
Etikettarkiv: Xbox


”Trials Fusion is a platform racing game developed by RedLynx in collaboration with Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Ukraine. A follow-up to the critically acclaimed Trials Evolution, it is the fifth game in the Trials series and is the first one to be released on a PlayStation platform.

Like previous games in the series, Trials Fusion presents an arcade take on the real-life sport of observed trials. The player controls a rider on a physics-based motorcycle from the start of the level to the end while navigating a number of obstacles. The game uses 3D graphics, but is played on a 2D plane, so the rider can only move forwards and backwards.”  source

a While back I tried Trials Evolution very briefly in multiplayer mode. I can’t say that I felt very exited or caught in the game, at all.. This summer when I ordered  my Xbox One I felt like I had to have some games to start with so I bought Trials Fusion – because it was cheap. The hard truth. Now I’ve played it for a couple of hours and feel very comfortable with the whole concept.

My character get on his bike and I wait for the start of the race. I press the right trigger of the control hard with my index finger. The bike blasts away. Then I face the very usual anti climax. A pause, the picture freezes and a voice tells me hello and welcome to the game, so I’m in a tutorial.

This is very frustrating to me. I wand to go bananas! I want to ride fast, do some tricks and fall really bad first. Just give me a second to play before i have to learn how to do it right!

After the tutorial I come in to a level based game where I find about eight levels of every chapter. Six of the levels are the ”main kind”. You have a way to ride, with a lot of obstacles and heights. You can get three results:

  • Bronze – get through the level.
  • Silver – get through the level, you may fall just one or two times
  • Gold – get trough the level, you can’t fall and have a time limit to beat.

The seventh and eighth level are usually different in several ways. Some times it’s a ”do a lot of tricks and get points”-level and other times its a ”fall further”-level.

The environment and settings in the game is supposed to be futuristic, in a little awkward way. Think – ”the year is 1984 and I’m picturing 2012”. Very.. space ships is flying around and exploding things.. (LAME)


Also the game has no story, at all, and that get’s really boring after a while. It kind of feels like everything you do in the game is pointless.

And then you have to think about the basics in a game. That would probably be graphics, sounds and story.

As I said, there is no story, so that one is done. The graphics is good. That’s it. Not fantastic, not breathtaking and not bad, but okay, good. Last but not least a game can go from good til great with an awesome soundtrack. In this game the creators must have thought .. no, they didn’t think. One song is the soundtrack. ONE SONG. And this one song contains one sectence : Welcome to the future.  … Come on.

Conclusion, the game is pretty bad. But still it’s kind of okay. I feel satisfied for at least 30 min and that’s more than a bad game does for me. don’t get me wrong – I would not recommend anyone to buy this game for money. For free? Absolutely playable.


Dead Island is an action role-playing survival horror video game developed by Polish Techland and published by German studio Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is centered on the challenge of surviving a zombie-infested open world island with a major emphasis on melee combat.

Dead Island features an apparent open world roaming, divided by relatively large areas, and played from a first-person perspective. Most of the gameplay is built around combat and completing quests.”

Let’s take a look at the dead MF’ers!

I borrowed Dead Island when it was brand new. I started playing it, and then it was there. The Grand Theft Auto-Syndrome. To explain this I can say that I’ve never, ever finished a GTA. That is because I have the option to find money and beat up people with baseball bats instead of doing the actual missions. This is the GTA-Syndrome. I eventually got bored of looting and killing so I quit and returned the game to the person I borrowed it from.

During February Xbox Live allowed gold members to download DI (and Toy Soldiers: Cold War) for free, YEAH! Me and some of clan Mogi decided to co-op. That did not go very well. One of four never actually succeeded to join the game. Then to get the time to, all at the same time, have gaming time was not very easy. Me and Plox (brother) managed to ”meet up” for some gaming. The beauty about this game is that you may play single player mode on your own and then co-op again, from the earliest save together.Cool!

So what happens is that you see a little intro that shows you your character on a paradise island, being drunk and nasty. There is a bit of panic among the crowd but you are obviously not picking up on that. Then you brawl in to a restroom where you find a, maybe, dead woman and you think ”oh pills on the floor!” you take them, go to your room and pass out on the pills.

Waking up to the apocalypse is not something I’d recommend anyone, because it sucks. But in this game you do, you do wake up from your pill madness and find some other madness. A zombie virus has spread and now, more or less everyone is a walking dead with a fine taste for your face.

You get to pick your character, and you have four different ones to choose between. Important input is that two of them (actually) are women. What their names are and who they are is not really something that is important in the story, and now after finishing that feels kind of strange. Like having a mission with a person and hanging out with them for days and have no clue about who they are.. hmm. Anyways, they are four, and here they are:


To be honest, that’s all I have to say about four playable characters. You run around with your weapon all alone with the zombies all over the place, and then you get to a cut scene and suddenly all of ”your friends” are there and you act like the fantastic four. I think that the game should either be just you all the time, or all four all the time. Like this the whole thing gets a cheap feel, like the makers didn’t put in effort enough to customize the cut scenes to who is playing.

The possibilities for weapons where really good. You could pick up pretty much everything to fight with. The downside is that it was a little bit to realistic (haha) and the weapons had a life-bar. So after a couple of beats with your bat it began to break and the more it broke the less damage it caused. Therefor you had a constant search for weapons though the whole game. A cool thing is that you were able to repair and upgrade, also mod your weapons. For money and/or with things you’ve looted you may upgrade your weapons to be electrifying, spiked, toxic etc. I liked that part.


After some chapters I found my first firearm, and everyone who is familiar with zombie games knows that firearms are note the ultimate weapon against the walking dead because you have to get a clean shot towards the head, and amo is a constant issue, but you can keep your distance and that is very comfortable when someone is trying to eat your brains.


Due to that I didn’t play the game in sequence I can’t really say that I have a fair perception of the time I spent on the campaign, but I bet it can be done a lot faster anyways. Besides the main missions there are side missions, some you need to do to receive objects that you need to complete the story. Then there are the side missions that just give you a kick ass machete and some cash, also nice to have.

In my opinion the achievements were a little bit overambitious, I mean, the makers of the game really wanted you to play this game FOREVER (no one explores the whole map in a open world game, ever..).

Overall I think that the game was amusing, a little bit scary and exiting. At fist it seemed to be kind of pathetic and lame, but I have to say that it grew on you a lot. So my advice to you – give it a real chance, maybe two.



Call of Duty is a game that has taken many hours, Days of my life. but to be honest I’ve never been very fond of the actual campaign play in CoD. This time I were positively surprised.

 ”Call of Duty: Ghosts is a 2013 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward, with assistance from Raven Software, Neversoft and Certain Affinity. Published by Activision, it is the tenth primary installment in the Call of Duty series and the sixth developed by Infinity Ward. The video game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U on November 5, 2013”


The last couple of years I’ve been playing CoD and every time I find myself dragging through the campaign, getting bored and then get right to the action in a Team Deathmatch. This time I did exactly the same thing as usual.

Last week I sat home, waiting for my Xbox One:


…and it suddenly hit me that I haven’t played trough the whole campaign – so I did.


The basic story in CoD:

You’re a badass (man) that has been let down by a bigger, badder man and now you are looking for revenge. You get your revenge after a boat tip in the jungle and a explosive journey through a snowy landscape, and don’t get me wrong, they did include all this in this game as well but added some spice by having some space time, diving and a lot of vehicle driving.

Other than that 98% of the story was the same as before. And my time spent playing the game was also 98% as usual – online. After that I have to add my continuous disappointment about the total lack of achievements given online.

There obviously were some new surroundings, pretty good ones, missed Nuketown but found my self a new favorite..



We purchased one of the map packs and sadly, realized out mistake to late. All of the 13 year old boys that spend their puberty scratching their balls, playing CoD and forget to turn their headsets off when not using them, also bought the map pack and the level of resistance of the enemies went up by 200%. (Also the maps sucked.)

Other complains about the maps? Yeah, WHY THE HELL didn’t we get some in-space, under-water maps??

And after a page of whining, I have to say that the fact that you can be a woman in the online games was a great option, but then it wasn’t perfect – while sniping and holding your breath, it’s still a heavy manly sound you make.


That would be all for now, and I can add that I am very excited for the game that is up. Hit me!



civrev_nycc_hands-on-main”In Civilization, players strive to become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age waging war, conducting diplomacy, discovering technologies, going head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders, and building the most powerful empire the world has ever known.”

Civilization Revolution is a turned based game about building your nation. You play as different great world leaders and you guide your people to growth and success.

You begin the game 4000BC with a Settler who will set the grounds for your empire. The first city is your Capitol and this will most likely be your metropolis, the bigger city. The access to woods, water and other land is critical to how well your city will evolve. from your cities you can build armies, new settlers who can make new cities, build monuments and other functional buildings. You will produce science that will take your nation forward, and you will harvest gold that obviously is good-to-have material.

When you start to feel good about production (or not) another greedy world leader will come and tell you to bend over or die, then you take a turn either way. I choose death most often and get a war to my neighbor countries for several hours to come playing Civ Rev.

So this might be the most boring game in the history of man, but still I find myself sitting there and thinking about how I will manage to rule the world once again, and then I sit there for 6 more hours. Obviously there is something pleasing about it and I like it. I’ve allways been a sucker for meaningless games like The Sims and Sim City so I guess this falls right In to that collection.


I’m not planning on writing a big review on this game because honestly I don’t think there is enough to say about it. But I’d like to say that I enjoy playing this game from time to time. It does not offer a big variation or great graphics, no fun theme songs or anything that makes you feel anyting at all, but you will scream out in rage when you get the achievement for 4G (if you’re a true achievement lover and have OCD), but calm your tits because when you’ve finished the first round you will have gotten another one for 11G and you are back on track.

I got the game for free while it was on Games with Gold, but if I were to pay for it I might have a different opinion.. (get it for free or buy it cheap and it’s worth your time)

Final score for Civilization Revolution is a ”game score” and an other bonus score for my personal pleasure.







Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies are off wandering through an enchanted forest when they discover a mysterious tent filled with a series of captivating paintings. As they look more closely, they notice each painting seems to tell the story of a mythical world. While focusing on a painting that shows a medieval land, they are suddenly sucked into the painting, entering the world, and the adventure begins. The gang must run, jump and fight their way through each world to save the day and discover the secrets of every legendary painting.” 


I’ve got a friend that really likes secondhand shopping. She makes old and boring stuff shine like new and of course she makes me wonder ”why didn’t I think of that?”. One Saturday morning we decided to go to this flea market in town. So.. Obviously these people are sadistic -insert bad word here-s  and the start time of this SATURDAY EVENT is about 5.30am. Who does that? While there, she participate in a almost-wrestling match with other lyric shoppers. I’m drinking my coffee from a distance. Anyways, we go there and buy our preowned stuff and then drag ourselves back to that warm inviting couch where we started out a couple of hours earlier. Cold, starving and completely exhausted we reach out for a warming hand. Or a PS3 controller. Suddenly I’m playing Rayman for the first time in my life, as an adult. I’m loving it.

A couple of weeks later me and the famous Brother once again sat down to be amused by, what we thought and hoped to be, a good co-op game. I literally drove three times trough the city I live in to reach my copy of Rayman Legends but now. Now, it was time for us to play this game and it’s almost a bit awkward how excited I am at this point. We sign in to our Xbox Live profiles and start the game. Now we face a text about auto save, and that achievements is unlocked for player one only.

Pardon? Rayman. You are breaking my heart. This game was pleasure playing from the first minute and this is what Ubisoft decides to do? A big kick in the crotch for player two. This message means that the brother is out. (Because you could simply not play a game without reward…)

If I was to think about Rayman (before playing this game) I though about a lame platform game to PS1 from -95. That was it. He just stood there on the shelf next to Crash Bandicoot and wasn’t attractive at all. That was completely wrong! It took me about 10 seconds of playing before I was stuck. This is a fast, colorful and humoristic game that is enjoyable for a huge crowd.

While thinking about it, I enjoyed playing Crash as a kid. Where did he go?


I feel that it is a bit dangerous to just jump in to a game without playing it’s predecessors or really have a clue what it’s about, but a really good game allows new gamers to come in at all stages in the story. Then there’s the over welcoming games that allows you to come in the game at the level ”let’s tell the story every fifth minute” and that is slow, boring and repeating. I think it’s a fine line between these two but this time it is 100% the good alternative.


Sound – With 47 AMAZING tracks as soundtrack you can not help yourself but to sing, whistle or hum on these songs all the time. At the end of every level you face a ”music level” where you play with the rhythm of the song. That was my favorite part of the game, because you feel like a rockstar pulling it of to a perfectly synced song! The best thing about this is (hold on now, it’s getting real good!) that you can listen to the whole soundtrack on Spotify! You can try that by clicking HERE10/10

Animation & Characters – The animation in the game combines 2D and 3D graphics so you get a really nice layer to layer feeling with great depth! There are 32 playable ”Heroes” characters in the game where 10 of them is princesses you save during the game. And here the woman in me awakes and think HELL NO! I’m sick and tired of this bullsh*t princess in need concept BUT then we save the first princess, Barbara. After you’ve done this you can play as her, an help save her sisters. And these princesses, ladies and gentlemen, are not the kind in need. They are epic axe swinging, high jumping, ass kicking princesses. Besides the ten girls we have another 22 unbelievably personal characters to play as. One after one will unlock while playing the game, accept for two. The first of these heroes require the bizarre amount of 1 000 000 ”lums” which has pretty much the same function as the coins in other games. Collect the million and unlock ”Rayomz”.


The other character that you will cry trying to unlock is The Golden Teensy. To unlock this one you have to rescue every single Teensy in the whole game. That is a big job. 9/10

Story – What we’re having is a classic hero vs bad guy situation with the princess in need- with a twist. Ray the man jumps in to different themed worlds through paintings and do his thing. (I don’t know but have Rayman always used the panting-concept? To me it was a huge Mario 64 flashback..) What we are rescuing in the first place is our little blue friends the Teensies. We defeat frogs, pirates and other strange obviously evil-minded creatures. What we’ve seen before might be like a sleeping pill, but it can also work really good. I enjoyed, as everything else, the story very much. The only think that’s a bit remarkable is the ending scene to every chapter. Last level of every chapter ends with you chasing the bad wizard-guy in his little flying machine, rescue the last teensie and he gets stuck in something. You punch the hell of him and he ends up on the moon, and you do that a couple of times during the game. I think it feels kind of cheap to use the same event over and over, saving animation time or what is that about? To be honest I didn’t get that it was a new bad guy for every chapter until the very last one. So you end up with a lot of abductors on the moon and save the day. Yay!

Skärmavbild 2013-12-14 kl. 11.25.01

Complexity & Suitable Age – The game says that it’s suitable from seven and up, and I think that is an excellent assessment.  The first world is marked as ”one skull” which indicates the difficulty of the chapter. Then it goes up to seven(?) skulls later in the game. So, as a seven year old you think games is fun for about five minutes and then you end up playing the mini games or watching your brother, parent or neighbor playing. (while saying that I have to count off the years I’ve spent playing Pokémon on gameboy….) Anyhow, the game is suitable for everyone thanks to the escalating difficulty.

The complexity is discussable, the controls are few, simple and has a natural feel, but as I mentioned you accelerate the difficulty all the time and it turns out to be a game about 100% precision later on. It reminded me a lot about Super Meat Boy some times. Never ending story… lal alal ala

Interest – You might have gotten the point that I have been, and am, very exited over this game so the high score here speaks for itself. 8/10

Luck vs. Skill – In the first two worlds there is some room for luck but that is not the case in the higher levels. There is a major skill-build up during the game, so this is probably not one of these that you should keep on the shelf for a while half way through.

Achievement Generosity – As I mentioned before, it’s not just about enjoying a good game anymore. Since Xbox introduced us to achievements the gaming has been at a whole new life/death level. It’s almost a pitty because I can not sit down and think ”wow, this is fun!” but ”wow this is fun, or wait, only 20G in two hours?!”. So there is absolutely some pros and cons to the whole concept. Anyhow.. This was a niggardly bastard. To unlock the big ones you have to do things like ”rescue all..” ”get the diamond cup on all levels..” etc. so.. Not that much generosity here. As it is now, I’ve finished all the levels and done some hard work for some other achievements and I haven’t even reached 500G. 3/10

Overall Rayman Legends gets:
